Many small and growing businesses use Dropbox for file storage, syncing and collaboration. Some users have turned to alternatives due to its high cost, limited space, and the numerous data breaches. There are a lot of great alternatives and competitors to choose from. Some are cloud storage providers, with different storage limits. Some are collaborative file sharing applications that include additional features such as video sharing or tools for managing projects.

Box is an excellent alternative to Dropbox. It comes with an easy user interface and supports all major formats for files. It also supports drag and drop, lets collaborators to view or edit files, and lets you to upload and share files via a single link. Microsoft OneDrive is another top competitor. It has the same interface as Dropbox and comes with an array of features that are similar, but it provides a wider range of business plans, including unlimited storage, Office 365 apps and security features.

Google Drive is the most popular choice for those who are connected to the Google ecosystem. Its 15GB of free storage is far more than Dropbox’s. It’s a great choice for those who want to collaborate on Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents using its integrated Office suite. It’s also simple to integrate with other workflow and productivity tools for enterprise thanks to the available app integrations. Also, NordLocker is a strong competitor that is focused on privacy and security. It supports zero-knowledge cryptography, and is compatible with desktop and mobile platforms.

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